7 MARCH 1903, page 17

The Late Dr. Sewell.

[TO THB EDITOR OP THK "SPECTATOR:1 Wainewright in the Spectator of February 28th throws doubt upon my facts on strong primd -facie grounds. But truth is stranger than fiction,......

"a Glorious Time And Dryden.

pro THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR." Sru,—In view of recent correspondence in the Spectator, your readers may be interested in the following lines from Dryden's "Absolom and......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]

Sin,—Having seen both the letters in the Spectator on this subject, I write to tell you that my grandfather, Gilbert Heathcote, was born in 1765; entered New College, Oxford, in......


THE PERMANENCE OF HUMAN PERSONALITY.* WE recently reviewed Mr. Frank Podmore's able work in two volumes on Modern Spiritualism, and on that occasion dealt with the abnormal......

Tit A Nks To An Unknown Friend. [to The Editor

OF THE uspacreroa."1 Sin,—May I ask for a corner to thank an unknown friend who kindly sends me the Spectator from time to time ? I should like to say how much I appreciate it,......


And fire and steel have found you true ! Our stubborn patience did not tire Till all our brothers' hearts we knew. But three long years of battle leave The greater, nobler task......