7 MARCH 1903, page 3

Mr. Choate, The American Ambassador, Was The Guest Of The

Pilgrims' Club on Tuesday. He said that the improve- ment in the relations between the States and Britain of late years was due, first of all, to the popular will on both sides......

President Roosevelt Has Addressed A Letter To Mr. Clark...

editor of the Atlanta Constitution of Georgia, in defence of his negro policy. Mr. Roosevelt states that he has considered character, fitness, and ability, not colour, as the......

On Thursday Afternoon Mr. Balfour Received An Influential...

the subject of our food supply in time of war, introduced by the Duke of Sutherland. The Prime Minister in his speech, with his usual skill in analysis and dialectic, put his......

The Times Of Wednesday Summarises An Important Article On...

colonisation in Brazil which has appeared in the Cologne Gazette. It appears that the hopes of the German settlers in the South Brazilian State of Santa Catharina that railways,......

Sir Edward Bradford, Commissioner Of Police Of The...

retired after a most successful career of nearly thirteen years, during which he has twice on great ceremonial occasions had to organise arrangements almost as complicated as......

The Magnificent Ceremonial To Celebrate The Jubilee Of...

Pontificate passed off on Tuesday without a hitch. The Basilica of St. Peter was filled with a dense throng of seventy thousand worshippers, mostly strangers to Rome; and the......

The Preparations For The March Against The Mullah Have At

last been completed, and the expedition from Obbia has reached Debit, whence it will advance, according to the latest telegram, upon Galkayu. The force has with it provisions......

On Wednesday Evening Mr. Balfour Was Entertained At...

the Nonconformist Unionist Association, Sir George Hayter Chubb presiding. After Mr. Balfour had spoken of the intense desire of the Government to settle the education question......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 91i.......