7 MARCH 1908, page 14

"the Pension Budget.

[TO THE EDITOR OP • THE SUN.'] Sie,—In an editorial entitled The Pay of the Army' in the Sun of February 7th you have stepped aside to strengthen the public prejudice against......


150 THE EDITOR OP TR! "SPECTATOR. "] Sra, — I enclose a letter addressed by a " Veteran" to a recent issue of the New York Sun on the Pension Budget of the United States which......

The Licensing Bill.

[To SRI EDITOR or " SPECTATOR. ' ] have not noticed in any of the licensing discussions any distinction drawn between a "beer" license and a " wine- and-spirit " license. The......

The Flag, Protection, And A Centre Party.

ITO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—There must be many people who welcomed your timely article in last week's Spectator on the subject of the use and abuse of " The Flag."......