7 MARCH 1908, page 3

We Have Dealt Elsewhere With The Fiscal Debate Which Took

place in the House . of Commons on Wednesday, and will only note here Mr. Goulding's amendment to the effect that " the recent high price of bread was due to natural causes and......

A Free-trade Demonstration Was Held In The Queen's Hall...

week, Mr. Arthur Elliot presiding. The chairman having laid stress on the non-party nature of the meeting, Mr. Lloyd-George delivered an interesting speech. There was, he said,......

There Is An Extraordinary Variety Of Opinion In Prussia On

the Polish Expropriation Bill, the second reading of which was voted in the Upper House of the Diet on Thursday week. But to judge from the message of the Times correspondent......

On Wednesday Mr. Haldane Introduced The Army Estimates....

he declared, adhered firmly to the Cardwell system. He defended his proposal for an expeditionary force of a hundred and sixty thousand men by pointing out that a large......

Mr. Bellairs Spoke In A Similar Strain ; And Mr.

Balfour, who exposed the disagreement between the Government and their party and the confusion between economy and reduction, denounced the fundamental error involved in......

Mr. Asquith Was Followed By Mr. Wyndham, Who Subjected The

Naval Estimates to a damaging criticism on the lines* developed in Mr. H. W. Wilson's letter to the Times. He welcomed Mr. Asquith's acceptance of the two-Power standard, but......

Bank Rate, 3k Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.

March 5th. Consols (2i) were on Friday 87i—on Friday week 87g.......