8 NOVEMBER 1902, page 15

The Schoolboy Of Fact.

[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — Having read with appreciation your article on "The Schoolboy of Fiction" published in the Spectator some weeks ago, it occurs to me......

[to Thz Editor Op The "spectator-1

Sut,—Will you allow me to add a few more anecdotes to the interesting collection of children's sayings lately appearing in the Spectator? A little grandson of mine, living in......

An Unknown Prophet Of The New Testament.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "sencricron.1 SIR,—I have just read the article in the Spectator of October 25th entitled "An Unknown Prophet of the New Testament." It is a pity that the......

Humours Of The Street.

(TO THE EDITOR OP THE 'SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Daily in the London streets there must pass a vast amount of unrecorded humour. Also unappreciated humour, for some, alas! "ain't got no......

Sayings Of Children.

[To TIM EDITOR OF TIM "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—A quondam teacher in a school tells me of an odd answer which she herself saw in an examination paper. Q. What do you know of the Atlas......