9 JULY 1836, page 10

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PosTscRIPT SATURDAY. The French papers contain Carlist aecomits of proceedings in the North of Spain. It is said that, on his return from Madrid, Con- nor.. opened a negotiation......

East India Shipping.

The Branken Moor. Nicholls, from Ceylon to London, has put into royal iii a very leaky state. and will be obliged to discharge Arrived—At Gravesend, July 4th. Allred, Tapley,......

The Revenue.

Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th July 1835 and 5th July 1836; showing the Increase or Decrease on each head......

It Will Be Seen By An Announcement In Our Advertising

columns, that the South Australian Commissioners are, in addition to their former arrangements, taking measures to forward to the new colony other six hundred persons of the......

Money Market.

SToCK E ACHANOE, FRIDAY A/TEAROOM. The fluctuation of Consols can hardly have exceeded A per cent. The market bas not been so buoyant as it was last week, but the business has......