IN spite of a Keogh debate and a Kew debate, and the Indian Budget, and a grand outpouring of soul about Mr. O'Keeffe, the Members left in town have " rushed " the remaining business of the Session through at a tremendous pace, and the Session will, it is believed, come to an end to-day. The Public Health Bill has passed, and will be immediately at work—with, we are happy to perceive, no resistance from Boards of Guardians, who, in many places, seem quite pleased with the idea of their new powers—and 'the Licensing Bill is out of the political road at last. A silly -amendment has been carried, authorisiug Justices to fix the hours of closing, which will make Justices' lives uncomfortable; and at the last moment the Trade won a grand victory, compel- ling their foes, the grocers, to take out licences also, though the goods they sell are not consumed on the premises. Ther‘e is hope still, we believe, that this amendment may be cancelled, but in any case the moat hopeless of discus- sions is for the present out of the way of legislative progress. Parliament has passed an excellent Mines' Regulation Act, a grand administrative measure for the improvement of the Army, a Health Act which defines sanitary responsibility throughout the kingdom, a broad Education Act for Scotland, a Licensing Act which increases the temptation of publicans to keep order, and that Ballot Bill, and may, on the whole, congratulate itself on a fair 'turn-out of beneficial work.