10 AUGUST 1872, page 15


BOURBON NE-LES-BAINS. [FROM A CORRESPONDENT.] Bourbonne-lea-Bains, Haute Marne. A "GRAND bal " at the Etablissement des Bains here is an amusing aped mole. To our first feelings......

The Efficacy Of Prayer.

[TO THE EDITOlt OF THE "SPECTATOR-1 SIR,—The thanks of one so obscure as myself can be of very little importance to you for your recent able and interesting article in the......

Letters To The Editor.

FARM LABOURERS AND THEIR COTTAGES. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sra,—While I heartily agree with all you say in your article in last week's Spectator, on " The Labourers......