10 AUGUST 1872, page 1

Mr. Ayrton Got His Opportunity On Thursday Night For Punish-

ing Dr. Hooker, and he used it with a delight such as only an intellectual prizefighter knows. Dr. Hooker, in a note to Mr. Gladstone's Private Secretary, had complained of Mr.......

The Dispute Will Not End So, However, We Fear. Mr.

Ayrton intimated plainly that he left the letter charging him with evasion to the Premier, and that if Mr. Gladstone did not demand its withdrawal he should resign, and it was......

The French Chamber Rose On Saturday, Having Passed Tariff...

which it detested, and an Army Bill which it did not like, and acknowledged every day that it could not do without M. Tillers. The President of the Republic has gone to......

It Is Announced Officially That The Emperors Of Russia And

Austria are about to pay a visit to the Emperor of Germany at Berlin. The Czar will be accompanied by his heir and Prince Gortschakoff, and the Emperor of Austria by his......

News Of The Week.

I N spite of a Keogh debate and a Kew debate, and the Indian Budget, and a grand outpouring of soul about Mr. O'Keeffe, the Members left in town have " rushed " the remaining......

*,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any
