10 AUGUST 1872, Page 17


Stn,—In your notice of the 3rd inst. of Mr. Gallon's argument for the uselessness of prayer, you quote from him without appear- ing to contradict it, that missionary ships, which are prayed for, are no safer than slavers, which are not. Is this certain ? Many years ago I heard it stated in a public lecture by James Mont- gomery, the poet (not to be confounded with Robert, or Satan Montgomery), that the annual ship to the Moravian missionary stations among the Esquimaux had never been lost in a period of about a hundred years, and was insured at half the usual rate for ships voyaging in the same seas, though I presume that Lloyd's is as devoid of religious sympathies as the Stock Exchange. I think this fact worth noting, though my belief that God hears and answers prayer does not rest on this kind of evidence. —I am, Sir, Old Forge, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, August 5, 1872.