Up in the North. By Thomas Shairp. (Chapman and Hall.)—We
wish that we had had the opportunity of noticing Mr. Shairp's pleasant
little volume before. It is the account of a two months' trip, which took him from Load on to Stockholm, from Stockholm to Lulea in Lap- land, and from Lulea again to Quickjock, the furthest point of his journey, and lying about sixty miles to the north of the Arctic Circle.
He hopes that others will be induced to follow his example in taking what he describes as the "most pleasant trip he has on record ;" and we should have been glad to make the suggestion to our readers. The opportunity, however, for this year has past ; but they must remember it for another. In the meanwhile, let them read this little book. That will be an hour or so pleasantly spent. And next year let anyone with a tolerably strong digestion and stoat legs, having from six to eight weeks to spare, and not unwilling to spend .£50 or thereabouts, follow Mr. Shairp's advice. He will find magnificent scenery, an utterly new scene, a people unspoilt by the "British tourist," and plenty of salmon and pike.