More letters from Dr. Livingstone have been published, with more
detailed information as to the people among whom he has 'travelled, the sources of the slave trade, and the watershed of the Nile. We can, of course, give no idea of these details, or of the 'extraordinary felicity of language with which the Doctor, who sometimes writes disconnected nonsense, sometimes describes his sdiscoveries, but his main conclusions may be very briefly stated :— " I have ascertained that the watershed of the Nile is a broad upland between 10 deg. and 12 deg. south latitude, and from 4,000 ft. to 5,000 ft. above the level of the sea. Mountains stand on at at various points, which, though not apparently very high, are between 6,000 ft. and 7,000 ft. of actual altitude. The watershed is over 700 miles in length, from west to east." The natives of all tribes, though of low moral tone, are capable of civilisation, and are friendly to him because he is English, and they have learned from Zanzibar talk that -Englishmen are enemies of the slave trade. The slave trade is due exclusively to the greed of the Banians of Zanzibar, who farm the Sultan's revenues, make fortunes by man- stealing, and carefully prevent all supplies from reaching Living- stone, whom they regard as their enemy. The chief supporter of the trade and chief enemy of English enterprise is a Banian named Ludha Dhamjee, whom the Indian Government can. reach swiftly and effectually by a mere intimation that if he does not quit Zanzibar for ever in forty-eight hours, he will on his return to India be arrested under the Political Prisoners' Act, and kept in arrest for life.