On the fourth anniversary of the war Mr. Lloyd George
published a message to the Empire, the motto of which was "Hold Fast ! " He pointed out that to stop short of victory would be to compromise the future of mankind. Only by victory could we ensure a world set free from war. The manner, the language, and the spirit of the message were alike excellent. No better or more opportune message could possibly have been framed. If the Prime Minister holds fast to his own words, the nation will be as pleased with the result as they were with the message itself. We learn from the Evening Standard that telegrams of congratulation have poured
In upon the Prime Minister. One of these telegrams was worded as follows :— "Your message read -to audience by Sheriff Maceulay litmfth received with tremendous enthusiasm. You are to hold fast, as they are holding to you.—Osweee BARCLAY, Theatre Royal, Edinburgh."
That rather expresses our feelings. The Government have made many pledges and not kept them. If this message is regarded as a pledge, and a very solemn and important one it is, it must be kept fully in the letter and the spirit.