Dogs And Enemy Aeroplanes.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE 0 SPECTATOR.") SIR,—A similar instance to that mentioned by your correspondent in the issue of July 27th happened recently. I was billeted in a French......
Necessitous Ladies' Holiday And General Fund. [to The...
THE " SPECTATOR.' I Sin,—As you have been good enough to allow me to appeal for years past for contributions towards the Necessitous Ladies' Holiday and General Fund, I venture......
The Household Fuel And Lighting Order. [to The Editor Of
TEE" SPECTATOR."] Six,—In your issue of June 29th you say that careful housekeepers will have little difficulty in managing with the amount of fuel and light allowed under the......
(to The Editoe Or The "spectator."] Sza,—having Followed...
the correspondence on " Domestic Service" in your columns lately, we, as servants of some years' standing, would like to give our opinion. We- think with "F. W." that the chief......
The Red Cross Pearls.
[To THE Enrroa or TEl "Srscviros."1 Sia,—Now that the raffling of the Red Cross pearls has been rendered impossible by the rejection of the War Charities Lotteries Bill, I beg......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.") Sta,—your Article Of June
8th suggests the thought that there is in the minds of domestic servants and their friends a wholly wrong conception of the word "service," which should surely (especially in......
The Esprit Of The Division.
[To ma Enrron or ma Sezersroa."3 SIE,—I feel that it may be well worth while pointing out a feet which your readers, and particularly your numerous soldier readers, are......