The Things Of A Child.*
IN this record of the childish days of herself and her sisters Mrs. Blundell has nothing more exciting to describe than a picnic or more thrilling than a visit to the dentist.......
The Epistles Of Erasmus.* Toe Third Volume Of The Epistles
qf Erasmus, translated and arranged in order of time by Mr. Francis Morgan Nichols, is now published by Messrs. Longmans and Co. A charming and touching • Introduotion by Mr. P.......
Recent Sermons- T
THERE are three kindsof preacher whose sermons are worth sending to press, even in these days of dear paper : the scholar who can bring new light to illuminate the dark places......
In Tii1 Fourth Year.*
Mn. M. G. Wasse has republished his newspaper articles on the League of Nations and on War Aims, together with an effective plea for Proportional Representation. Writing as "a......