The Prime Minister on Wednesday gave the House of Commons
an encourkging account of the situation. The Navy had been quadrupled in tonnage since the war and, with the Merchant Service, employed a million and a half of men. It had destroyed at least one hundred and fifty enemy submarines, half of which were sunk in the past year. Great Britain alone had raised 6,250,000 men for the Army and Navy, including her Regular Forces. The Dominions had sent 1,000,000 men and India 1,250,000 men. Reviewing the battle, he said that the initial reverse of March 21st had been nullified by the appointment of Marshal Pooh to the strategic command, and by the rapid arrival of British and American reinforcements. In a fortnight we sent 268,000 men to France ; in a month we had sent 355,000 men, and guns to replace the lost batteries. By the sacrifice of our oversee trade to the extent of 200,000 tons a month, we had helped to transport the American troops. In.July 188,000 out of 305,000 Americans came in British ships.