German Intrigues in Praia : the Diary of a German
Agent. (Hodder and Stoughton. 3d. net.)—This pamphlet contains the diary of a certain Oriesinger, who accompanied Dr. Niedermayer's mission to Afghanistan and Southern Persia in 1915 and 1916. The mission failed to stir up unrest to our disadvantage, and the diary helps to explain its failure. The diarist reveals hinvielf as a eowardly knave, jealous of his colleagues, oontemptuous of the Persian " democrats " and Indian revolutionists with whom he worked, and greedy for personal gain at the expense of the Russian and British residents whose houses were robbed. Such German agents do their country more harm than good, and it is not surprising that Griesinger and his fellows, after losing their caravan, at last found themselves in a Persian gaol.