10 AUGUST 1945, Page 14


Stit,—I write to challenge the implication in "Serving Officer's" letter that to frequent brothels is to " be human."

Surely " human " nature, as contrasted with " animal " nature, implies the power to control and direct physical appetites by mind and spirit.

Commercialised prostitution involves: (i) the deliberate divorce of the sex function from its purposes of love-fulfilment, and of procreation. (2) the use of other people, at their great cost, as a means to purely selfish ends. I submit that this is not a human, but a sub-human standard of conduct.

The phrase "human nature being what it is," should be used, not to excuse man's frailty, but to explain the conduct of thousands of our men who, in obedience to social, or religious, or personal principles, choose the truly " human " way of controlled living.—Yours faithfully, N. WHELPrott,

9, Brunswick Square, Hove, 2. Moral Welfare Worker.