Education In The Colonies
Snt,—In the comments in your issue of July 27th under the heading "Education in the Colonies," you describe the issue that divided the majority and the minority of the Elliot......
Why It Happened
Sts,—Mr. Kenneth Lindsay's forceful analysis of " causes " makes good reading ; but I rather think that the determining motives of millions of electors were less ideologistic......
Ethiopia And The Italian Colonies
Snt,—Professor Bentwich does not like my suggestions for the disposal of Eritrea ; but he also very seriously misrepresents them. In respect of the flattish semi-desert Muslim......
Snt,—it Appears That Mr. Bentwich Is Over-simplifying His...
he criticises the solutions put forward by Brigadier Longrigg as anti-. Ethiopian and Imperialist. I have discussed the problem of the Alto Piano of Eritrea with several......
Primary Schools
SIR,—As a recently retired Head of a Grammar School Preparatory Department, may I reply to Miss Wilmshurst's very practical letter with the records of some twenty-five years'......