I Have Often Reflected That In The Whole Of History
no generation can have suffered quite so much as the German generation which is contemporary with my own. Albrecht Bernstorff, for instance, was old enough to have known the......
Such Sarcastic Comments Were Repeated, And Were Not At All
wel- come either to the Reichskanzler or to Joachim von Ribbentrop. Bernstorff on his recall to Berlin was employed for a short time in the Wilhelmstrassc, whete he was kept......
I Have In My Possession A Little Manual Which Albrecht
,Bernstorff compiled for the instruction and guidance of German Rhodes scholars who were about to go up to Oxford. It supplies in a prudent form all. the practical information......
These Prophetic And Illuminating Comments Were Written As...
as 1912. Throughout his life Albrecht Bernstorff strove to convince his countrymen that the British theory of the relation of the individual to the community was a saner......
Marginal Comment
By HAROLD NICOLSON T HE news has recently been received from Germany that Albrecht Bemstorff, who for ten years was Counsellor of the German Embassy in London, was executed by......