10 AUGUST 1945, Page 22

Shorter Notices Our Horses. By Lionel Edwards—The Story ot China.

By Tsu Chi. (Puffin Picture Books. 9d. each.) MR. LIONEL EDWARDS is both author and artist of this new and excellent Puffin book on Horses. Not only are the different breeds described and illustrated, but the various paces are distinguished, types of harness are shown and their uses explained. In addition there is a very clear-diagram which shows the different parts of the horse. The text is short and clear and the pictures admirable. Mr. Tsui Chi's book on China is less successful. The choice of informa- tion, selected inevitably from an incomparably greater amount which cannot even be indicated, is somewhat haphazard and could have been more interestingly told ; but it was a task well worth attempting. The illustrations are not among the best of this series.