THE Khedive continues his career. On the 6th inst., he opened the General Assembly in a speech in which he congratulated the country on the improvements made in the last two years, but made no allusion to the British officials, who alone have been the authors of them. On the same day he made Maher Pasha—who is responsible for the frontier incident—Governor of the Suez Canal, an important post, though not a political one. He intends, it is stated, to publish his own account of what passed on the frontier ; and, in fact, he loses no opportunity of announcing that he is hostile to British ascendency, and desires to reign by himself. The British Government has accordingly given him another warning, by making General Kitchener and Mr. John Scott K.C.M.G.'s, — Sir H. H. Kitchener because he has organised the army which his Highness abused, and Sir John Scott because he has introduced order and a sense of justice into the Egyptian Courts, thereby deeply offending the more bigoted Mussulman Pashas. His work is most important, because it gives the population the idea of the protection just Courts might be to them. It is not probable, judging from all Asiatic history, that Abbas II. will content himself long merely with being sulky, and we fancy at the next explosion it has been determined to remove him. In that case the garrison, both in Alexandria and Aden, should be kept strong. Cairo can hardly defy its citadel. As yet no Power interested in Egypt has shown any disposition to justify the Khedive, who, in truth, is revolting against Europe rather than Great Britain,