10 FEBRUARY 1894, page 3

The French Government Evidently Feels The Necessity Of...

efforts to conciliate the peasantry, who are in a bitter state of discontent. It agrees, it is asserted, to add /5 per cent. to the duties on cereals, with reductions, how-......

In Mr. Chamberlain's Interesting Speech On Thursday To...

Unionist organisation for the county divisions outside Birmingham, he laid great stress on the numbers of those who are glad to join Liberal Unionist associations, but who would......

The First Of A Series Of Sermons On Social Subjects

was -delivered by Canon Scott Holland on Wednesday, under the auspices of the Christian Social Union, at St. Edmund's Church, Lombard Street, the preacher's subject being -"......

The Germans Are Becoming Greatly Excited Over The Com-...

Treaty with Russia. The two Emperors have signed , it, and under its provisions the duty on Russian cereals, which was equivalent to a 50 per cent, duty ad valorem has been......

Sir Michael Hicks-beach Made An Excellent Point In His...

to the Augustine Branch of the Bristol Conservative Working Men's Association on Tuesday, in dealing with the attack on the Lords which the Gladstonians are now com- mencing. In......

Bank Bate, 21 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 99f.......

The Commission Appointed To Consider The Feasibility Of...

teaching University of London has produced a report and a scheme for the constitution of such a University, on which it is impossible as yet to form any final or mature......

Mr. Balfour Addressed An Enthusiastic Meeting Of Over...

persons at Leicester last Saturday, in the Royal Opera House, and expressed his hope that the Unionists might capture that ultra-Radical borough from the degenerate • Radicalism......