The first of a series of sermons on social subjects
was -delivered by Canon Scott Holland on Wednesday, under the auspices of the Christian Social Union, at St. Edmund's Church, Lombard Street, the preacher's subject being -" National Penitence." He dwelt especially on corporate sins, and insisted that we constantly take what we regard as -our infinitesimal share of responsibility for sins which we should be ashamed to commit in our own persons and with the full responsibility resting upon us. This is no doubt true, and Canon Scott Holland cannot remonstrate too strongly against the indifference of a large number of units in a society to their responsibility for misdeeds which they might, at least, have endeavoured to hinder, and did not endeavour to hinder just because each person's separate share in the responsibility for them is so minute. Bat how far is this to be pushed? Canon -Scott Holland speaks as if every shareholder in a great railway were personally bound to look into all the conditions im- posed on the labourers employed in that railway, and to raise -a protest if they were in any way too severe. At that rate, no shareholder could well devote his energies to any other business than that of checking the conditions of the labour of the employes on his railway, and insisting on the reforms necessary. The conscience may as easily be rendered morbid and superstitious by multiplying inordinately the complexities -of moral obligation, as it may be rendered indolent and careless by making too light of such obligations. is it not better to concentrate your energy on the work you can do best, than to fritter it away by spreading it, in a very thin layer, over an indefinitely large surface ?