[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—my Grandfather,...
was present at the battle of Culloden (1745). He knew an old man, one James Taylor, whom he had heard talk of having seen both Charles I. and Oliver Crownwell (say in 1648).......
Female Franchise In New Zealand. Go The Editor On Thz
"SPECTATOR."] SIB,—Some years ago, alluding to Sir George Grey's pro- posal to tax land, you said that New Zealand might serve well as an object-lesson in advanced......
The Old Squires And Absenteeism.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Si,—No one can deny the fact that so much of Ireland's troubles and difficulties is, and always has been, connected with landlord......
"links With The Past."
[To THE EDITOR OP TEE " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—Chief Justice Shaw, of Massachusetts, who died in 1861, aged more than eighty, used to say that in his boyhood he conversed with a man......
The Lucy Family.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Si,—You will perhaps allow me to add a few facts to your interesting article in the Spectator of January 27th. It is quite true that the......
Buddhism And Ecclesiastes.
[To THZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR, — In a critieism oxi. Dr. Dillon's paper in the Con- temporary on "Ecclesiastes and Buddhism," your reviewer attributes to Gotama the......
[to Thz Editor Of The " Spzotatoz."]
SIR, —Some twenty years ago, an old Irish clergyman of eighty-five informed me of the vivid recollection he still retained of the Rebellion of '98, having witnessed distant......