[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—My grandfather, William Stewart,
was present at the battle of Culloden (1745). He knew an old man, one James Taylor, whom he had heard talk of having seen both Charles I. and Oliver Crownwell (say in 1648). These, I think, are longer links than any that are recorded in the recent correspondence in the Spectator. They are not only possible, but, I believe, tree. I am myself still in middle life, being of the same age as the Prince of Wales.
James Taylor is buried at Sanquhar or Wanlockhead in Dumfriesshire, and the date of his birth and death are, I believe, recorded on his tombstone. My grandfather was of very tender years in 1745, being with his mother in her carriage in the rear of Prince Charles's army ; his father, Charles Stewart, being in front with the Appin Regiment.— I am, Sir, &c.,
Athenrum Club, February 5th. CHARLES STEWART.