"When in doubt, ask for subscriptions," is the motto of-
every Irish politician. This has just been acted on by the Parnellites. At present there is very little stirring in Ireland, and so Mr. Redmond has determined to fill up the time by sending round the hat. The coming Session, he says, in an Address issued on Saturday, will test the worth of the Government promises. "Their administration here has been confessedly a failure. It has been undistinguishable from that we were accustomed to under the Tories. It has been marked by secret inquiries, evictions, house- burnings, jury-packings, and prosecutions of representatives of the Irish people, and we have seen in Parliament Home-rule side-tracked to make way for English measures." Even the " seceders " are unable to conceal their fears that the Government is going to play them false. Under these circumstances, money is wanted. If only more Par- nellites can be returned, Ireland will be restored "to her old position of blocking the way." The Address is signed by Mr. John Redmond and representatives both of the Parliamentary and of the General Committee. No doubt the Parnellites only number nine, but if those nine really mean business, they may give the Government a very unpleasant time.