10 FEBRUARY 1933, Page 1

Armaments and Security The Disarmament discussions at Geneva have taken

a definitely political turn in the past week, as a result mainly of the British comments on the French proposal and its rather elaborate provisions for increased security. Mr. Eden made it clear that Great Britain could undertake no fresh commitments, but did not make equally clear, what France wants to know above all things, how we interpret our existing commitments, for example, Articles X and XVI of the Covenant. It has to be remembered that the formula which- brought Germany back to the Conference six weeks ago spoke not only of equality but of security, and if France protests that no adequate security is offered her she may refuse to be bound by the equality part of the agreement. But her main proposal is for one or more regional pacts on the continent of Europe, and something may yet develop in that direction, since Great Britain is not expected to join in the agreements. The very practical British plan for getting a definite Convention carried through quickly has yet to be discussed, but France will be in no very conciliatory mood if her own plan has simply been pushed on one side. * * * *