Schools As A Nuisance
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—May I call your readers' attention to certain features of the " Hampstead Nursery School" case, of which, judging by your comment on Mr.......
Sir,—tinderlying The Arguments Used In Regard To This...
to be the belief that devoted and intelligent work can never be expected from those who are not receiving pay. Even your correspondent, "A Clerk," in your January 20th issue......
A Christian's Faith
[To the Editor of TIIE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—If the Bishop of Ipswich is correct in his statement, " that episcopacy is not regarded as essential to the existence of a church, at all......
The Sailor's Nelson
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] - Szn,—Please allow me to reply briefly to your reviewer's criticism of " The Sailor's Nelson." I claimed for Nelson that he was the greatest......
The Justice Of The Peace
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] have not Mr. Coppersmith's letter before me as I write, but I have that of Mr. Twamley, and there are one or two matters contained therein......