[To the Editor of TIIE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—If the Bishop of Ipswich is correct in his statement, " that episcopacy is not regarded as essential to the existence of a church, at all events by a majority of the Bishops," the way to reunion with the non-episcopal bodies of Christians ought to be quite easy. Let the Church of England give up this non-essential. It would mean, no doubt, a real sacrifice for the bishops to abandon their unnecessary positions ; a loss of dignity, influence, and income. But we ought not to doubt that our Bishops would—almost gladly—abandon these perquisites of red-tape for the sake of reunion with " all who profess and call themselves Christians," in one vast Protestant Communion. Incidentally they would get rid of all who believe that episcopacy. is an essential of the Catholic Church, being quite sure that it is not always or obviously worth keeping if not an essential. To iceux it all non-Catholics, and get rid of tiresome Anglo-Catholics, would surely be a welcome result, and one pleasing to, "at all events, a majority of the Bishops."—I am, Sir, &c.,