[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—In spite of the energetic and wisely directed efforts of the Housing Committee of our Bristol City Council in attack- ing the post-War housing problem, the urgent need for......
Russia's Hold On Persia
[To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.] SIR,—While so much has been written lately respecting the various matters at issue between this country and Persia it is surprising to find how......
Housing And Racial Tragedies [to The Editor Of Tiie...
Sia,—The Spectator has always stressed the need for more and better housing and for contraceptive birth control ; and you have recently given publicity to letters from Dr.......
The Scandal Of The Slums
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Referring to the " News of the Week in your issue of February 8rd, I am at a loss to understand your saying that the Government's Housing......
The Sailor's Nelson
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] - Szn,—Please allow me to reply briefly to your reviewer's criticism of " The Sailor's Nelson." I claimed for Nelson that he was the greatest......