10 FEBRUARY 1933, Page 17


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Referring to the " News of the Week in your issue of February 8rd, I am at a loss to understand your saying that the Government's Housing Bill is utterly inadequate as regards the slum.

The Housing Acts, 1980, with their subsidy of £2 10s. per unit dispossessed, remain untouched, and if local authorities will only hurry, very many slum clearances can be effected under these Acts.

What is asked for in the new Bills (England and Scotland) is that private enterprise will come forward and build houses at suitable rents for the lower-paid artisans Who are living in overcrowded conditions, not necessarily slums. In these days of low interest on money, this can be done successfully if the houses are properly managed.

It is to-be hoped that the loans guaranteed in the new Bills will also be used for improving or reconditioning well- built, out-of-date dwellings in the centre of large cities, thus saving transport expenses to the artisans.

As for the slums, there is no reason why they should continue if the 1930 Acts are taken advantage of to the full by local authorities.—I am, Sir, &C., MARY A. SNODGRASS,

ConVener, Glasgow Corporation Housing 'Committee.

City Chambers, Glasgow. '

[Steps that can be taken...under the 1930 Act have no bearing on the 1933 Bill. Sir Hilton Young, in introducing the latter measure, estimated that slum-clearance under the 1930 Act would progress at the rate of about 12,000 houses a year, whereas slum demolitions estimated to be necessary are in the neighbourhood of 500,000.—En. The Spectator.]