M. Daladier's Fortunes
The fate of M. Daladier's Government is still undecided, but the new Finance Minister's proposals for meeting the budget deficit haVe been framed with some dexterity,. and since they are based on the Finance Committee's own projects there is at least a fair chance of their securing the Chamber's approval. It is noteworthy that the heavy cuts in the fighting services estimates remain- and that the proposed docking of official salaries is on a less drastic scale than M. Cheron proposed. The Socialists have reaffirmed their refusal to co-operate with the Radicals so far as entry into the same Cabinet is concerned, but that in no way, prevents them from supporting the Government in the division lobby. If they choose to vote against it again the result can only be a Government much further to the Right, and the Socialists would gain little enough by that. But the intentions of any French Chamber are incalculable where finance is concerned, and M. Daladier's chances of surviving his next vote are certainly no higher than fifty per cent.
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