10 FEBRUARY 1933, Page 32

"The Spectator" - Crossword No. Ao By X.NTHIPPE.

[A prize'of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's ewes-word puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Cross-word Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes mill be opened before noon on Tuesday. The name of the mill be published in our next issue.]

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ACROSS 1. Shaky notes.

5. Applaud a bit of pork in South London.

)l. Make a hash of nine veg.

10. Jump after a beheaded religious woman, like Prome- theus.

11. Bolsheviks, one would imagine, never use this size of type. 12. Stumbles forward, sprint back.

13. Contraction of the heart, with its end round a clergy- man's neck.

15. Convert.

16. Scotland Yard turns back when in a coil. 18. " Titch " is no prisoner.

22. Trophy coveted by the brave.

23. A delicacy-to spoil a French invalid, apparently.

25. Surround the post with • beer for one of twelve. .

26. In it I come before an ex- Governor of New York.

27. A little less than less and more than kind.

28. Resentments.


'1. Equinoctial passed by the Vapians.

2. Much explored by politic- ians.

3. Skimping. 4. Ladies beyond the Alps. 5. Rise, cur (snag.).

6. Umpire.

7. Famous man at getting himself out of tight places.

8. Modest, I Y No, it's a lady. 14. Politic a je (snag.).

16. " We have procured a num- ber of red -s for the choir," said the misprinted parish magazine.

17. A popular. ,myinery, accord- ing to Gilbert.

18. They cling, and hi the end - they're favourites- 19. And Country Y But it's like a serpent's tongue. 20. Not to' be found at the bar.

21. Almost unnecessary rend, ins implements. 24., The last word.