Mr. Edmund Homby, writing from Weybridge, gives some explanation
a letter to the Times respecting Boswell 's Letters, just published. It was Major Stone, of the East India Company's service, who obtained the MSS. at Boulogne, in the way stated in the preface. [The printer; put " clergyman " in place of "gentleman."] At his death they passed to his nephew, Mr. Augustus Boyse, of the Inner Temple ; and from him Mr. llornby obtained them for publication. The letters themselves have been placed in Mr. Bentley's hands, so that any doubting critic may examine them.
The Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna is very careful of the morals of his flock : they are to read no bad books ; he has established an ecclesiastical censorship, and an " index " is to be published to tell the faithful what books they are not to read.