Another _piquant Page Was Added On Saturday To The Recent
annals of crime, by the evidence of a convict in the Anderson and Seward case, at the Mansionhouse. In the course of the proceedings, Simard vindicated his claim to the title of......
Edward Auty, Clerk To The Leeds, Bradford, And Halifax...
has been committed by the Leeds Magistrates for forging a Mr. Lister's name to three dividend-warrants and getting them cashed. The total amount was about 40/. Auty took......
The Anti-Income-tax movement in Ireland began in Dublin some weeks ago. This week the counties of Derry and Carlow and the towns of Cork and Belfast have held meetings, convened......
A Meeting Has Been Held At The Dublin Mansionhouse To
further a subscription for the benefit of the mother and sister of the unfortunate Mr. Little, murdered while performing his duty at the railway office.......
Knighting, The Transfer-clerk Who Was Convicted Of...
Southern and Western Railway, was possessed of considerable property, the proceeds, apparently, of his frauds. A commission of inquiry has been held in Dublin with regard to his......
Mr. Bailie Cochrane was elected on Monday as Member for Lanarkshire, without opposition. In his address, Mr. Cochrane was explicit only on two points,—that he is an Episcopalian......
The Freedom Of The Burgh Of Hamilton Was Presented To
Dr. Livingston on the 2d instant, "on his return to that town after an absence of sixteen years," passed in advancing "the cause of freedom, the cause of civilizatMn, and, above......
Early On New Year's Morning, Four Disorderly Irishmen...
retable young shopman at Edinburgh, demanding money to buy whisky ; e young man refused ; they set upon him savagely; in self-defence, he 'struck about him with a knife; all the......
Inttign Filar Ifillottial.
r HIM—The Conference did not hold its second sitting until Tuesday; of that sitting the following account is published in the Moniteur. 'The representatives of the contracting......