Fi4t Toratrts.
Sentimental philosophers have frequently lamented the injury done by commerce to the nobility of human nature ; and Napoleon I, when he termed the English a nation of......
"you Cannot Be Too Careful In Guarding Against The Burglars
and garotters of the present winter," say the police reports, without a dissenting voice. "You may be too careful," say Messrs. E. Yates and Harrington, through the medium of a......
The " Tavistock House Theatricals," Which Commenced On...
the residence of Mr. Charles Dickens, have been the talk of the week in literary, artistic, and professional circles. Mr. Wilkie Collins, who on a former occasion supplied the......
Parisian Theatricals.
Statistics published in the French journals show that the pieces produced in the course of last year were 262 in number. Such a figure would appear perfectly fabulous in......
THE Conference has closed, and with complete success. So we are informed. How happy ought we to feel—if we only knew what for! No doubt, there has been a success somewhere, but......
IT was in 1707, in the midst of the War of Succession, that the house of Brandenburg became seised and possessed of the Principality of Neuchatel. The death of the - Duchess of......