Statistics published in the French journals show that the pieces produced in the course of last year were 262 in number. Such a figure would appear perfectly fabulous in England, especially with the additional circumstance that the pieces are original, not translated ; but in Paris it is considered rather small than otherwise. The dramatic celebrity of the year is the Faux Bonhommes of MM. Barriere and Capendu, produced at the Vaudeville in November. The Theatre Francais shows nothing in the way of " legitimate " productiveness ; and the verse-drama of modern France is represented at the Odeon alone where the .Bourse of M. Ponsard and the Madame Montarey of M. Botiilliet have gained all the fame attainable on the unfashionable bank of the Seine. At the Grand Opera, the ballets Le Corsaire and _Les Elfes have been more conspicuous than any lyrical compositions but the Opera Comique makes a respectable appearance with La Fandonnette and La Reins Tepees. At the Gymnase, all celebrated in 1855 through Is Detni-lionde, there has been nothing of note in 1856. On the "Boulevard du Crime " tholaurels have been gained by the Fits de la Nail, played for two hundred successive nights at the Porte St. Martin.