10 JANUARY 1857, Page 11

Mr. Humphrey Brown, Member for Tewkesbury, was adjudicated a bankrupt

on Saturday last ; the petitioning creditors being the Royal British Bank; debt 40,000/. Yesterday the bankruptcy was annulled on petition ; both the debt and the act of bankruptcy being denied, and no proof thereof being forthcoming. Mr. Linklater, for the petitioning creditors, said that his witnesses having "kept out of the way," he should prefer to abandon the present petition and obtain an adjudication on the debts of another creditor. This could be obtained at a cost of 20/., and with but little/delay. "Mr. Brown, by thus resisting this petition, is only putting off the evil day."


szorn Excalezroa, FRIDAY ASTSRSOON. The demand for Money has greatly decreased this week ; and the discount

market has been considerably easier, at an average rate of per cent. English Securities have been firm. Consols have ranged between 931 and 941; and closed yesterday—the settling day—at 94 for Money, and 944 for 5th February ; the continuation being 41. The Market has been heavy today, and a decline of I per cent has taken place; the present quotation is 946 f. Reduced, 9444; hew Three per Cents, 94j4. Bank Stock, 216 18. The payment of dividends at the Bank commenced yesterday. The following are the days appointed for the opening of the transfer-books at the Bank of England—Three per Cent Consols, Three-and-a-half per Cents, Two-and-a-half per Cents, New Five per Cent Annuities (January 1860)— oil on Friday 16th January ; India Stock (at the East India House) on Tuesday January 13th.

The Foreign Market has been inactive at about previous rates. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 96 7. Less business has been transacted this week than for some time in Turkish Stack: the Six per Cents are quoted at 9511, and the New Four per Cents at10344. Venezuela Bonds lower35 7. The other Securities are stationary. In Railways, with the exception of Great Western Stock, which has continued to recede in consequence of a 3 per cent instead of a 35 per cent dividend being expected, the heavy Shares havebeen characterized by great firmness : the high rate of Contangos, however, has influenced the amount of purchases. Great Western, 676 to 681. Midland, rather flatter —821 to 4. Lancashire and Yorkshire, good at 97 1. Loudon and NorthWestern, 1064 5. London and South-Western, 531 f. In other Shares the business has been trifling. Caledonian continues flat-31 5. South-Eastern and Dover has been 221, and is now 224 4. Foreign Railway's are quiet : prices have scarcely varied all the week, The accident to the telegraphic wires has also tended to check business on this side in French Shares. Paris and Lyons, 541 5; Northern of France, 371 f. The Shares of the Oude Railway Company are quoted at 44 premium.

SATURDAY, TWELVE °Twee. The English Funds open heavily this morning, at 94; the effect of an unexpected measure of the Bank Directors yesterday—the raising of the rato of interest on Government Securities from 6 to 65 per cent. A general gloominess has been produced, and Stocks both Foreign and English are all flatter. Exchequer Bills, par to 4 premium. Railway Shares are dull, at lower prices. Some few bargains have been effected. East Lancashire, 94; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 964; London and North-Western, 1066; London and South-Western, 1074; Midland, 824; Wilts and Somerset, 91. A decrease of 47,9051. is shown in this week's return of the stock of bullion. SATURDAY,ONK O'CLOCK.

A much firmer tone prevails in the English Market, and prices have improved since the morning. Consols are now quoted 946 4. -Business, however, has been slight. The Railway Markets are also a shade better, though the transactions have been unimportant. The latest operations recorded are as follow— Eastern Counties, 94; Great Northern, B Stock, 1225; Great Western, 67 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 97; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 111 ; London and North-Western, 1064; London and South-Western, 107; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 334; Midland, 825; Norfolk, 514; North-Eastern—Bernick, 845; Oxford, Worcester, and 1Volverhampton, 29; South-Eastern, 744; Great Northern 5 per Cent, Redeemable at 10 per Cent Prem., 111. Joint Stock Banks—English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered, 184; London and County, 334; Union of Australia, 651. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 21.

3 per Cent Consols shut Dutch 21 per Cents 64 6 ex d. Ditto for Account 941 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 97 9 3 per Cent Reduced 94 1 Mexican 3 per Cents 211 2 New 3 per Cents 911 1 Peruvian 44 per Cents 77 9 Long Annuities 2415-16 Ditto 3 per Cent 64 6 Bank Stock 216 18 Portuguese 3 pers Cents 1853. 435 ex d. Exchequer Bills par 4 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 India Stock shut Ditto 41 per Cents 957 cad. Austrian 5 per Cents 86 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 401 I Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 Ditto Deferred 231 4 Belgian 41 per Cents 97 9 Sardinian 5 per Cents 88 90 Chili,,, 6 per Cents 103 5 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 7 Danish 5 per Cents 103 5 Turkish 6 per Cents 051 i

Ditto 3 per Cents 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed. 1031 I

A telegraphic despatch received on Saturday from Constantinople announced that the basis had been settled of a concession to an English company of the privilege to establish an Imperial National Bank of Turkey, with exclusive powers of issue for thirty years. The capital is to ho raised in London, Paris, Vienna, and Constantinople. There are no conditions attached for naming a loan.

The dividend of the Union Bank of London for the past half-year is to be 5 per cent, with a bonus of 21 per cent, or at the rate of 15 per cent per annum.