The export of horses has been prohibited throughout Prussia—they would
be wanted to assault the Swiss glaciers. • It has now been ascertained, that by the earthquake in Crete, on the 12th October, 538 persons were killed, and 637 wounded ; 6512 buildings were destroyed, and 11,317 damaged. Great distress has followed ; and Mr. H. S. Ongley, writing from Canea, asks for the alleviating aid of the English public.
The wool shipped from Melbourne during the past season amounted to 12,027,680 pounds, valued at 787,604/.
The largest casting of iron ever made has been effected at Finnieston Ironworks, Glasgow. It is an " engine-bottom " for one of the new Australian steamers : 60 tons of iron were melted to produce the fiery river that ran into the mould ; the casting will weigh 47 tons 10 cwt.
The number of emigrants who left Liverpool during the past year was 8448 more than the departures in 1855.