10 JANUARY 1857, Page 21



Partnerships Dissolted.-111uston and Gath. Bristol, wateli-makers—Thonther and Cockcroft, Halifax, chemists—J. and S. lipyer, Broad Street Buildings, attorneys.— Dyson and Bennett, Nottingham, rug-manufacturers—J. and It. Sayer, Brydges

Street, Covent Garden, silversmiths—Sigley and Shawcrosa, Manchester, stone

masons—Duarte and Co. Lisbon ; as far as regards E. Potter and 11. T. DuarteGrigson and Ziegler, Amwell Street, Clerkenwelf, grocers—Isaacson RIO Co. Norfolk

Street, Strand, attorneys—Bridgett and Co. Newcastle-under-Lyne, and elsewhere,

and J. Bridgett and Co. Aldermanbury, silkmen—Sercombe and Jack, Great Windnull Street, printers—Haywood and Cooke, Sheffield, merchants—Benning and Rader, Barnard Castle, Durham, surgeons—R. and B. Wilson, Bramley, Leeds, winemerchants—F. and W. Atkinson, Threadneedle Street, stock-brokers—Adams and Co. Birmingham, goldsmiths—T. and J. Sopwith, Neweastle-upon-Tyne, joiners— R. and J. 11. Clay, Nuneaton, ironmongers—Fletcher and Co. Halifax, woollencloth-flnishers—WCaldon and Knight, Manchester, horse-dealers—C. and W. Selby, Camberwell, plumbers—Ballard and Co. Cambridge, drapers—Strickett and Cross thwaite, Workington, wine-merchants—J. antl W. Barker, Dunnington, Yorkshire, agricultural-implement-makers—Smith and Co. Upper Fountain Place, City EDS& metallie-plate-embossers—Thomas and Hargraves, Oxford Street, deepen—NV. and S. Artaud, Wimpole Street, uplsolsterem—Owen and Co. Sheffield, chemists—Yates and Co. Birmingham, 13ritish-plate-rnakend ; es far as regards J. Yates—Holt and Kershaw, Oldham, tin-plate-workers—Schollield and Co. Liverpool, laid Reread Co. Glasgow—C. and A. Shorten, Ipswich, veterinary-surgeons—Morton and Robinson, Huddersfield, plasterers—Richardson and Sant, Lincoln, veterinary-aurgeons-Dixon and Co. Liverpool, joiners—Beaumont and Co. Almondbury, cloth-dressers ; as far as regards D. llobson—Gledhill and Co. Bradford, Yorkalure, cotton-warpsizers ; as far as regards J. Ashworth—Jaeger and Lineman, Great St. Helena, 13ishopsgate Street, merchants—Page and Co. Liverpool, auctioneers ; as far as regards S. Watson—Jones and Co. Back Church Lane and New Broad Street, winemerehants—Shelbourne and Sheffield, St. Ann's Place, Cimelumme, wine-merchants —Porter and Co. Liverpool, cotton-brokers—C. and T. Milne, Halifax, wine-merchants—S. and J. King jun. Manchester, cotton-apinnerm—Bentham and Co. Liverpool, tea-merchants ; as far as regards R. Blythe—Giblions and Co. Wilton, Lancashire, reed-makers—Appleyard and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, commission-agents —Durie and Miller, Watling Street, warehousemen • as far as regards J. S. Miller— Webber and Cramp, London and Oporto, wine-merellants—Fearon and Welch, Preston—Astley and BYO, hull, commission-agents—Page, Brothers, Kennington, ericket-bat-makers—White and Fairchild, High Street, Southwark, tea-dealersLamb and Boswell, Rochdale, cotton-spinners—Hopkinson and Brothers, Chesterfield and Sheffield, curriers—Duubar and Co. Glasgow, menbanta—lleatley and Co. Valparaiso, merchants—Walker and Co. Glasgow, warehousemen.—Erratum In list January 2—Hofman and Scheuk ahould have been G. and IL Schenk.

Pankrupts.—Roasar Emesan Kay, Thorney, Cambridgeshire, grocer, to surrender Jan. 15, Feb. 19: solicitors, Wright, Gray's inn ; Wilkinson, Peterborough; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildinge. Jon a RICHARD DAWSON, West Cowes, hotel-keeper, Jan. 19, Feb. 18: solicitors, Westmacott and Blake, John Street, Bedford Row ; Hearn, Newport, Isle of Slight; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. JO/LV Herter STEVENS, Great Wild Street, engraver, Jan. 21, Feb, 17: solicitor, Kennett, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street. EDWARD Capers, West Place, John's Row, St. Luke"a, hearthrug-manufacturer, Jan. 21, Feb. 17: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Stunsfeld, Basinghall Street. Samuel, MtiDDIMAN, Northampton, shoe-manufacturer, Jan. 20, Feb. 17; solicitors, Loftus and Young, New Inn ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basingliall Street. WILLIAM KINOSTON, Bridge Road, Lambeth, linen-draper, Jan. 21, Feb. 23: solicitors, 1.awrance and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Niehollion, Dasinghall Street. NA1MANIEL LEVY Nteremx, Church Lane, Whiteehapel, butcher, Jan. IS, Feb. 20: solicitors, Smith and Son, Barnard's Inn ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street. EDWARD POLLACK, Fieldgate Street, sugar-refiner, Jan. 16, Feb. 10: solicitors Martin and Co. Mincing Lane ; official assignee, Ethsurds, Sambrook Court. Tnouss RODGER, Attercliffe-curn-Darnall, Yorkshire, grocer, Jan.. 17, Feb. 21: solicitor, Webster, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield, THOMAS STOREY BELTON, Marton, Horncastle, and Lincoln, maltater, Jan. 21, Feb, 18: solicitor, Chidley, Basinghall Street ; official atnognee, Carrick, Hull. Riridends.—Jan. 29, Boss, Brighton, livery-stable-keeper—Jan. 28, Nicholls, Holborn Bridge, baker—Jan. 28, Hall, Lothbury, hat-manufacturer—Jan. 28, Schwartz, Hayden Square, Minories, clothier—Feb. 5, Apletree, Stow-in-the-Wold, inn-keeper. Certificates to be granted unless came be shown to the :contrary on the day of tneeting.-Jan. 28, Stuart, Cambridge, tailor-Feb. 2, Hulbert, Bristol, soap-boiler -Jan. 28, Leicester and Littleboy. Liverpool, corn-merchants-Feb. 3, Gill, Dewsbury, groeer-Mareh 3, R. and G. Marston, Leicester, manufacturers of hosieryJan. 29, Harrison, Kidderminster, cabinet-maker.

Declarations of Dividends.-Seager, Hungerford Wharf, wine-merchant ; first div. of lid. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Hobson, Raymond Buildings, and Gordon Place, Tavistock Square, money-scrivener; first thy. of 614. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Cottingham, Argyle Place, surveyor ; first div. of 98. ld. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Quilter, Maldon, grocer ; first div. of 48. 94. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Bayley, Crown Court, Philpot Lane, commission-agent ; first div. of 7id. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street -Wettone, Oxford Street, bookseller ; first div. of 64d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Wise, St. Martin's Court, Ludgate Hill, fishmonger; first div. of 3s. 61d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-French, Winchester, corn-merchant; first div. of 58. M. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Morgan, Hastings, provision-merchant ; first div. of 4s. 44. any Wednesday; Whitinore, Basine:hall Street-Brooks, Tunbridge Wells, tailor ; third die, of id. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Strahan and Co.; second div. of 84. and second div. of 54. on the separate estate of J. D. Paul, any Wednesday to July 1; second div. of 20. on the separate estate Of W. Strahan, any 'Wednesday ; Bell, Coleman Street Buildings -Roberts, Derby, jeweller ; first div. of 98. M. Monday next or two following Mondays ; Harris, Nottingham-Fryer, Nottingham, draper ; second div. of Is. 64. on Monday next and two following Mondays ; Harris, Nottingham-W. E. and D. Cooper, Manchester and Mottram, tallow-chandlers; first div. of 98. 10e1. on the separate estate of NY. E. Cooper, and div. of 208. on the separate estate of D. Cooper, Jan. 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester-Hall, Preston, grocer ; first div. of 38. Ind. any Tuesday ; Hernaman, Manchester-Davenport, Macclesfield, watch-maker; first div. of 1.8. 90. any Tuesday; Hernaman, Manchester.

Scotch Sequestrations.-Mitelic11, Dunoon, slater, Jan. 10-Mather, Haddington, surgeon, Jan. 12-Pullar, Perth, inn-keeper, Jan. 12-Mackenzie, Dingwall, county clerk, Jan. 13-Aleckinlay-, Aberdeen, grocer, Jan. 15.