Teheran has been in a fever of anxiety for many
days past, is the Bakhtiari, under Sardar-Asad, and revolutionary troops have been slowly advancing on the city. The only soldiers at the disposal of the Shah are said to be the Persian Cossacks. The foreigners in Teheran also believe that only the Persian Cossacks stand between them and the expected violence of the invaders. Last Sunday representatives of the British and Russian Legations went out to meet Sardar-Asad and warn him against entering Teheran. Sardar-Asad gave an indefinite answer. During the day there was a fight between some of the fidas and the Persian Cossacks, in which it is believed that the Persian Cossacks under their Russian officers were victorious. The Bakhtiari have not yet engaged the Persian Cossacks. In these circumstances the Russian Government announced last Sunday that in order to protect Europeans, and to guard the road between Teheran and Enzeli, on the Caspian Sea, it had been decided to send a Russian force of one regiment of Cossacks, one battalion of infantry, and one battery of artillery to Kazvin, eighty-six miles from Teheran.