10 JULY 1909, page 18

The "spectator" Tent At Bisley.

[To ras EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sru,—The generous interest of your readers who provided a "Spectator Tent" at Bisley in August, 1907 and 1908, was most helpful and......

The Manufacture Of Paupers.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,-21. propos of your interesting utterances upon our present social outlook, it has sometimes occurred to one that we may derive hope for......

Scott's Patriotism.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "Sexcr•Torun] Srn,—Scott's patriotic feeling (see Spectator, July 3rd, p. 3) was not confined to his own breast, as the following reply made to him by a......

Dr. Cawas Lalcaca.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEC TATOR.'] SIR,—May I crave a little space in your widely read paper to pay a tribute to one of the whitest and best men that ever lived ? I refer to......

English Business Methods.

[To THE EDITOR OE TIIII "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — It is said that the Colonial editors, after a tour through business England, wondered that there was so much pessimism written about......

The Fourth Centenary Of St. Paul's School.

[TO TITS EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sni„—This is a year of centenaries, with this or that numeral prefixed to them. St. Paul's School has been celebrating its fourth, and......

The Angola Slavery.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE ." SPECTATOR."] beg to enclose for the information of your readers an extract from a letter sent me by an Englishman who has just returned from Angola......