Ito The Editor Of Run "srivartroa.'l
Si,—Reading the French verse given by your correspondent "L. E. W." in last week's Spectator reminds me of the verse I learnt as a child in the original edition of "Bewick's......
[to The Editor Op Thy "spectator."] Sie,—i Am No Botanist,
but think there can be no doubt that the scarcity of leaf on the wych elms this year is due to the exhaustion of Nature in producing the extraordinary mass of bloom. All trees,......
The Setting Down Of Birds' Songs. [to Tub Editor Of
TDB "SPICCTLTOR.1 SIR,—Last week you printed a setting down of the skylark's song by Charles d'Orleans. It is extremely pretty, and an excellent imitation of the bird's singing,...... The Editor Of The " Sractrros. - 1 Sir,—in Your Article
of June 26th on "The Setting Down of Birds' Songs" the "pu-we" is the song of the starling without doubt. I regret, with Mr. B. F. Hall, the wanton destruction of nests by boys.......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.']
SIR,—The excess of flowers and defect of leaves in wych elms noticed by Mr. Whiting in your last issue have been most remarkable in the avenue of elms planted some ten or twelve......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SIE,—In the Midlands the wood-pigeons have always been understood to say : "Take two coo, Taffy, two coo," and it is never questioned that Taffy was brought in because of his......
Flowers For The London Hospitals.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE 'SP ROTATOH.."] San,—May I draw your attention to a scheme of collecting flowers which is being successfully worked at Pinner ? Every Thursday morning......
Byron And Dante.—a Correction.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "S1'ECTATOR.1 Sia,—May I be allowed to point out that the writer of the interesting and appreciative review of my "Dante in English Literature" in the......
Wych Elms.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Wiltabire is some distance from Lincolnehire, so it may interest your correspondent Mr. Whiting of last week to know that the same......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......