10 JULY 1915, Page 15


IT0 THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR.".] Stn,—Perhaps you will be so good as to allow me the use of your columns to invite a couple of convalescent officers who need rest and quiet to spend two or three weeks with us in August (from about the 10th). We can offer the best climate in England, a good garden, beautiful country (near the sea), golf, tennis, swimming-bath, and, I hope, congenial company. We should welcome those who, owing to circumstances, are without available friends and to whom hotels or lodgings would be distasteful or, for financial reasons, out of the question. Needless to say, our guests would incur no expense whatever beyond their fare here. Perhaps you will kindly allow letters to be sent to me through your paper.—I am, Sir, &c., EAST ANGLIAN. [Letters should be addressed, not to the Editor or Manager, but to "East Anglian," care of the Spectator, 1 Wellington Street, Strand, W.0.—ED. Spectator.]