Racing, Betting, And Economy.
[TO TIN EDITOR OP TIN " BPICTAT0116"] SIR,—During the interval between the general suspension of horse-racing and its revival at Newmarket, I was struck by the appearance in the......
Taxing Wages And War Profits. [to The Editor Op Tin
Silt,—With reference to " M.'s" letter in your issue of July 3rd on the subject of taxing wages and war profits, the following figures may be interesting. My " spendable "......
Helig Oland.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sra,—The Press has reminded us that July 1st of this year was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the signing of the agree- ment by which......
Economy And Thrift.
[To TIN EDITOE Or TNN "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The whole nation at the present time is being exhorted by the Government to practise economy and thrift. The Prime Minister stated at......
Quakerisai And This War.
[To TER EDITOR 01 TIIN "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,--I happened to pick up a copy of the Spectator of June 26th in the reading-room and read in it a letter on "Quakerism and This War,"......