Longs And Shorts.
rTO TEE EDITOR OF TER " SFROTATOR."1 Sin, - -Spendthrifts of time, in the days before war's stern necessity made such waste impossible, evolved the following remarkable notice......
Hospitality For Convalescent Officers.
IT0 THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR." . ] Stn,—Perhaps you will be so good as to allow me the use of your columns to invite a couple of convalescent officers who need rest and......
[to Tee Editor Of The "sprct/tor.”1 Sir, — My Late...
Eton 1809-15, used to relate stories of one of the Eton Masters renowned for long words. He rode out to breakfast on a slow horse on a foggy morning and was late. His excuse : "......
The Fresh Air Fund.
[To THE E DITOR OT TEM SPECTI.TOR."] Sin,—I venture once again to bring before your readers the work of the Fresh Air Fund, which in the past twenty-three years has been the......
Birds In The Firing Line.
[To TIM EDITOR OF TEE "SPILOTATOIL."] SIB,—I read with interest your correspondent's letter entitled Animal Life in the Firing Line" (Spectator, June 19th). I am glad that he......
Voluntary Workers In Hospitals.
[To THE EDITOR ON THE " BIPECTATOR."1 Sin,—Many people will be glad that your correspondent "F. S." has raised the question of the treatment of members of Voluntary Aid......
How To Behave In An Air Raid.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — During a recent air raid the following incident occurred. A certain workshop was so badly shaken by a bomb close by that all the......