10 MARCH 1832, Page 10

Icbc Country.

GREAT 'MARLOW Etacriost.—The election for the borough of Great Marlow took place on Saturday ; when Lieutenant-Colonel Clayton was declared duly elected. An immense number of people were pre- sent, and the scene was a most exhilaratiag one. This makes two more votes for the third reading of the Bill.

The members of the Liverpool Union have 'passed resolutions con- demnatory of Lord Sandon's conduct in regard to the Reform Bill, 'which they regard as a breach of faith with his constituents. His Lordship's game is a paltry one, and as foolish as paltry; the new electors will have a whole man, not a half-and-half.

The trial of Curran, Broadhurst, Ashmore, and others, accused of seditious practices at Manchester, is fixed fo Mon day next. Lord Melbourne has been subpomaed by the prisoners to give evidence at their trial.

Government has given notice to the Collector and Comptroller of Customs and Excise at Bristol, that a considerable reduction is about to take place in their salaries.—Bristol Mercury.

DEATH OF LIEUTENANT HAMBLY.—On Thursday [sennight], a boy named Woolcock, gathering limpets in a solitary creek about two miles east of Portreath, espied the leg of a human body protruding from a crevice in one of the rocks. He gave information to some cottagers who lived near; who, on hastening to the place, found it was the body of a man, so firmly fixed in the crevice by an accumulation of sand and stones, that they had considerable difficulty in disengaging it. No- thin..t' appeared to clear up the mystery until intelligence was received that Lieutenant Hambly, of the Coast Guard station at Mousehole, bad been several days absent from his fianily, and NTIIS known to be in a state of mind which warranted the most alarming apprehensions for his safety. Sonic of the boatmen, who lied been in search of him, came to Yortreath, and identified the body to be that of the unfortunate officer. It appears that, several years ago, he was wounded in his head while on service in the West Indies; from the effects of which he never com- pletely recovered, and had returned from an asylum but eight weeks before the melancholy catastrophe occurred.—Cornabian.

EXPLOSION AT BILSTON.—FiVe of the sufferers from this accident bare died, and six or seven of the wounded are not expected to recover. The number of persons severely scalded and otherwise hurt, exclusive of those that have died, amounts to forty-four. The accident arose, it has been stated, from the water in the boiler being allowed to get too low, and then hieing too hastily replenished. The bottom of a steam- toiler is arched, in order to a more effectual application of the heat of the furnace. If the water be allowed to get so low as to leave the crown of the arch for half a minute dry, it will get red hot; and on the boiler being filled while the bottom is in this state, so extraordinary a quantity of steam is instantly produced, that no safety-valve is large enough to carry off the superfluity. Most boilers have a sort of index, in order to point out when a supply of water is required ; but the index itself requires constant watching; and where the watching is constant, no index is necessary. There are two methods in whiclia preventive to such accidents as that at Bilston—which is by no means a solitary instance—might be applied. First, there might be a second and much larger safety-valve opening into a funnel six or seven feet high, and so loaded as not to open unless from a pressure which endangered the safety of the boiler; or, secondly, the forcing-pump might be connected with the engine by such machinery as to insure a supply of water .at all times without any superintendence. We have no doubt that a very small exertion of mechanical skill would greatly diminish, if not -wholly put an end to, the accidents from mills and engines which 6gure in every.paper, were it seriously made; but Government will not inter- fere, and if they did, would be sure to impale or job the matter; and the masters care nothing about it. If their Nl (ark be (Tette cheaply, what matters it how many of the workmen suffer? The dead go to their place, and the mutilated to the workhouse, end there is an end of them.

On the night of Thursday lest week, Robert Sturgeon, an itinerant dealer hi tett, residing. iii Cennon Stseet, Commercial Road, in return- ing to town along the 33tirkieg lord, was stopia.d ;theta two hundred peals beyond the Metal liritlge, on the EsSex side, by three men, who seized him, and, putting a hatalkerchief OVVP Lis mouth, carried him some distance into the ne.rshes on the le it-leattl side of then:Nal. They tied his hands behind his hack, pinioned his arms with a handkerchiet. and ftstened his feet with a leether stalp, whielt they found in his poeket, and robbed him of all the property whieb he possessed, which eonsisted of two silver watehes taul about twenty-live-shillings in silver. The poor Mill contrived to remove the handkerchief from his /meals, and called out for asscettnice ; but it was not until between five and six o'clock 011 the next mor»ing that be WaS I-cite:set] from his dreedful situation. A brickleyer nanuel Siteplard, in liassing along the road at about ten o'clock, OD his way home to Plaistow, heard distinetiv the cries of " Come and release iliC, or I am a Murdered man ;" but, fearing that it was a lure to get hint into the marshes for the purpose of robbing him, he took no notice. During the night, however, he tilt so uneasy-, that be could scarcely get Inly rest ; and at five o'clock in the morning he got up, deteretilted to go to the place from whence he litald the cries proreed. Ile did so ; and on arriving there, found -Sturgeon tied up in the manner above deseribed, and nearly dead with cold and filtigite. Some suspicion Wll t first entertained of the man's story, but he seems in be a decent fidtow, and his suffering was much too serious to he been self-intlieted.

On Saturday morning the drying-house of the Brantford paper ma- nu'izetory was burnt down.

On Monday, the Reverend iN.Tr. Ashmore. of l',"(svimrifl:T in Sorry, crossed the 'litanies to dint' with his friend Mr. Pearas, it 'lieppertuil. On hi.; retten home, about haltdawst eleven o'clock, when Hot mere than two litneired yirds from the ferry, a mini jumped out from behind a hedge, and struck him a %dulcet blow on the mouth, which knocked him down. Another villain mine out from the hedge, placed his hand on his mouth, ated held him down, while the first rifled his poekets of eight sovereigns and a half, a gold watch, mai a check for 14/.

On Monday last week, as Mr. George Littleton Painter, grocer at Stockport, was riding along the turnpike-road from Stone towards Eccleshall, in company with a young lady, they were met by a large party from the Potteries, in a ear and two gigs, and one person on horseback. Mr. Painter and the lady drew up singly close to the proper side of the road ; but, alarmed by the noise, and the carriages pressing upon her, the mare upon which Mr. Painter rode, reared, and threw him with great force. He fell on his bead, and died almost instantly, in the arms of the young lady ; who was left alone with him on the road, in this distressing situation, for more than an hour before any person came to her assistance.—Staffordshire Advertiser.

On Friday night, the two-horse coach to Harlow, on its way from London to the Green Man, whilst turning a corner within a very short distance of that inn, was upset ; and the coachman, John Doyle, was killed upon the spot. Mr. Church, a respectable farmer at Matching, an outside passenger, was taken up in a state of insensibility, and expired at the Green Man on Monday morning. Mr. Doyle completed his thirtieth year on Sunday, and has left a widow and three children. Mr. Church has left a widow and nine children. He was a stout-made heavy man, about fifty-eight.

The Independent Manchester coach, on its journey to London, on Monday, took fire near Market Hathorough, in consequence of an in- side passenger having fallen asleep while smoking a cigar, which dropped from his hand and set fire to the straw under his feet. He was extricated without having sustained material injury.--Kanchester Advertiser.

On Monday morning, Stephen Woods, a private in the 2nd batta- lion of the Rifle Brigade, shot himself through the heart with his rifle piece, in the barrack-room at Dover Castle. Two or three comrades were present, but were not at all aware of his intention.