The French Chamber of Deputies are not yet done with time Budget. In the discussion on the foreign part of it, on Tuesday, M. PERIER entered into a long, elaborate, and......
How Wits. The Government Fast Re Requires No...
of prophecy to foretel how the fast-dey, which has been appinted ter the 721st of this month, will be observed. We can, without presump- tion, become its historians by......
A Supplement To Last Night's Gazette Contains A Despatch...
Lord BEL:tionE, dated January 16th. His Lordship mentions the liberation of Mr. Box. He mentions also the murder of a illr. Holmes, at Belmont estate, said to have been......
Royal Society.
At the meeting of the Society on Thursdav the 1st of Man:11,-111s Royal Highness the Duke of SessEx, President, in the Chair,—Lord Viscount Cole and Charles Oetavius Morgan,......
Theory And Practice Of Retrenchment..
TO TUE EDITOR. 01 TUE SPECTATOR. 23rd January l32. SIR—We have lately heerel much of retrenchment, but it has hitherto pro- dueed but little beneficial It mar, indeed,......
East India Shipping.
The Kath,th e Stewart, Forbes, for Van [1 Loans Land, put into Plyrumlly on the 2nd inst, in eonseipience of two deaths on hoard from cholera. She lms since sailed for Zqandgate......
Gloomy Prospects Of The Church.
STANDA Ito— The v;ew of the prospects of the Church, opened by Lord Eldon, is the reverse of encouraging. In this, however, as in all other cases, a clear and manly view of the......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCITANGE, FRIDAY EVENING. Consols on Saturday closed at 827 to 83 for the Account; Exchequer Bills at 7s. to 8s. prem. The Funds have fully maintained their price during......