Law Of Debtor And Creditor.
No people owe less to their rulers, and more to themselves, than the English. Wherever the public are left to their own management, they go on and prosper; wherever the......
The Moral Power Of A Government.
WE are induced to make the following observations by a letter we have received from " One of the Public :" a communication • from so candid and enlightened a person can never......
The Parliament Men And The Press.
THE Members of Parliament are for ever clamouring against the Press, and acting on its suggestions. This mock independence and real subservience, while it.amuses, gratifies us.......
Relieving The West India Interest.
' TnE West India planters say they are ruined, or very near it. They have said so any time these twenty years, and therefore peo- ple are apt to take their complaints cum......